Apex has a rich history dating back to 1946 when the Schwartz brothers founded the company in Manhattan. Originally focusing on arch supports and shoe repair components, Apex evolved to include therapeutic shoes under Paul's son, Richard Schwartz. In 1971, Apex introduced its first shoe, the 1201, designed for injuries and foot conditions. By the late 1990s, Apex had become a leader in therapeutic footwear and expanded into athletic shoes in 1999 with the X521. With a growing focus on health and wellness in the new millennium, Apex's reputation continued to grow. In 2015, Apex joined the OHI family of brands, leading to a revitalization of the company's focus on style and comfort. Today, Apex continues to innovate, offering a range of footwear designed for health, wellness, and style, with recent additions including the Balance Shoe and Moccasin Slipper.